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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool #2: Creating Professional Learning Community

  • This is the second year we are trying to set up a professional online learning community. We thought of it last year as a way for us to communicate and share ideas on important topics. It is exciting that this year we are making this happen. I believe that it is the next step in creating a school that works together towards a common goal with shared ideas. This is way for everyone to have a voice. At times there are some that are unwilling to share due to several factors, this is a way for some to feel comfortable with sharing. It allows all of us to share our points of view and understand were others stand on the same issue.
  • When reading about how to comment on others blogs, I connected to the part of asking questions and leaving your responses open ended so others might want to comment on your post. I think that asking others questions is a great way to get others to share their ideas in more detail to keep the dialogue going. This is a great way for others and ourselves to reflect on our own practices.
  • I commented on Irvin, Hammack, Leon-Garcia, Ramsey and M. Garcia.


  1. I also agree that keeping questions open - ended is imortant so the thinking and the dialogue can be thought provoking and on going. Maybe these thoughts are so important to us becaus all of our questioning training:)

  2. This made me think that it also makes it easier to comment on or discuss things with other teachers you don't know as well and break down barriers. Such as that intimidating assistant principal! :)
